Steve Greene, LG, LEG
Senior Engineering Geologist
Steve has over 34 years of experience in engineering geology, materials testing, and construction required for roadway and wall foundations, critical area and geologic hazard assessments, borrow material evaluations, stormwater infiltration feasibility assessments, detention pond design, soil stabilization, pervious pavements, full depth pavement reclamation and other low impact development (LID) methods.
He has extensive experience conducting and managing exploration programs for large State, County and Municipal transportation projects including bridges, roadways, freeway lanes, transit facilities, and providing design input and construction QA during installation of pervious pavements.
Steve also participates regularly on projects that require expertise with regard to soil infiltration assessments and on-site disposal of stormwater, or inception of groundwater seepage.
Licenses and Certificates
Licensed Geologist and Engineering Geologist: Washington State
Materials Testing
Geologic Hazard Assessments
Subsurface Exploration
Beer and Wine Making
Cheese Making