Water & Wastewater Systems
HWA has provided geotechnical engineering services on well over a thousand public works projects throughout Western Washington including hundreds of water, wastewater and sewer projects.
HWA provided geotechnical engineering evaluations in support of the upgrades to lift stations 16-18 and conveyance improvements on 17. Tasks included a geotechnical engineering study, exploratory borings, and testing on selected samples to characterize relevant engineering and index parameters of the site soils. HWA performed engineering analysis, laboratory testing, and specific design and construction considerations for each site (seismic and landslide hazard areas were also addressed).
HWA provided geotechnical engineering studies to evaluate the soil and ground water conditions in the vicinity of the existing lift station and provided recommendations for design and construction of the improvements. Work included site reconnaissance, subsurface investigations, and geotechnical engineering analyses. Field work included exploratory borings and installation of a monitoring well, with subsequent checks for groundwater as well as lab testing on selected soil samples.
HWA performed geotechnical engineering evaluations for the proposed Beverly Lake Sewer Improvements and evaluated subsurface conditions along the project alignment and seismic and liquefaction considerations for design improvement, as well as recommendations for construction of the proposed sewer line and pertinent structures. Evaluations included analyzing borings along the sewer alignment to determine if the undocumented fill would support the improvements.
HWA provided geotechnical engineering evaluations in support of the upgrades to lift stations 16-18 and conveyance improvements on 17. Tasks included a geotechnical engineering study, exploratory borings, and testing on selected samples to characterize relevant engineering and index parameters of the site soils. HWA performed engineering analysis, laboratory testing, and specific design and construction considerations for each site (seismic and landslide hazard areas were also addressed).