HWA has provided geotechnical services for numerous waterfront projects, aiding in the safety and stability of buildings, docks, piers, seawalls and underground facilities.

HWA served as lead geotechnical engineer providing foundation recommendations for the rehabilitation of the existing Dock X at the Shilshole Marina. This included reviewing existing subsurface information and conducting one boring near the proposed abutment improvements. Geotechnical analyses were performed to develop vertical bearing capacity charts and lateral capacity charts, seismic design parameters were also developed, and HWA provided construction observation of pile driving.

HWA developed geotechnical design recommendations for a new development including 8 new 3-story multiuse buildings, movie theater, and grocery store to be built above the old Everett Landfill. Site settlement, liquefaction, lateral spreading, and slope stability issues were analyzed with mitigation measures recommended. Currently, HWA provides field observations including testing soil compaction, monitoring pile driving, and reporting erosion control issues to the Department of Ecology.

HWA conducted a geotechnical engineering investigation to support the design and construction of the marine outfall. It extended in excess of 5,000 ft offshore and terminated in a diffuser section approximately 600 ft below sea level. The near shore section of the outfall pipe was placed in a trench, and the offshore portion was placed directly on the sea floor.

HWA served as lead geotechnical engineer providing foundation recommendations for the rehabilitation of the existing Dock X at the Shilshole Marina. This included reviewing existing subsurface information and conducting one boring near the proposed abutment improvements. Geotechnical analyses were performed to develop vertical bearing capacity charts and lateral capacity charts, seismic design parameters were also developed, and HWA provided construction observation of pile driving.