Bret Salazar, LG
Geologist & Field Manager
Bret is a geologist and field supervisor with 15 years of experience in field geology/inspections and four years in offshore exploration. He has taken up many geotechnical, transportation, and roadway improvement projects with HWA, as well as levees, bridges, engineered walls, fish passages, stormwater systems, piledriving, existing rockery inspections and new rockery construction observation, as well as specialty concrete (lightweight, pervious, shotcrete and cellular). He performs slope stability field reconnaissance as well as landslide mitigation projects and site stormwater inspections. He has performed subsurface exploration, geologic mapping, and terrain assessments that have assisted in the design and construction guidance for a variety of developments throughout the Puget Sound region.
Bret also assists with special inspections and coordinating laboratory testing at HWA, as well as performing concrete and rebar observation and testing, and has been operating as HWA’s Field Manager for Construction Inspection and Materials Testing since 2017.
Licenses & Certifications
Licensed Geologist: Washington State
Licensed Troxler Nuclear Densometer Operator
Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL)
American Concrete Institute, Strength Testing Technician
40 Hour OSHA HAZWOPR (2005, 8-hour Refresher 2023)
International Code Council, Reinforced Concrete Inspector
American Concrete Institute, Field Testing Technician (Grade 1)
American Portable Nuclear Gauge Association, Radiation Safety Officer
Western Australia Occupational Health and Safety Construction Induction (White Card)
Western Alliance for Quality Transportation Construction (WAQTC) Density Testing Technician